For my Govvies, you’re probably not even aware of this bc people won’t say it out loud to you. Small businesses, consultants, board members, employees, etc, have to mind their tongues or maybe suffer financial consequences. That’s why I haven’t really talked much about this in the last 5 years–bc I might hurt organizations I was affiliated with.
From the time I left DoD as a retired Contracting Officer, did an indie consultant stint, worked for an FFRDC, and now as someone who doesn’t depend on not offending someone in order to feed myself and keep the lights on, I’m asked for my expertise. Often that’s as a retired CO with insight and not an employee or consultant, and there are conversations I’ve been happy to have to improve Federal acquisition and contracting. On my own time.
I pick and choose where I think it will do the most good. Sometimes I’m wrong.
All these incidents are very similar, and often Govt leaders will ask me to talk to them “informally,” meaning “don’t charge us.” As a former CO, I understand the code. If I can tell you how to fix a systemic problem in a 30-minute chat and you’re not wasting my lunch break, then I’m helping my community and my country. It’s part of my personal brand and mentorship. But here’s what often happens, and the Govvies talking to me don’t even realize I won’t talk to them anymore bc they just turned themselves into a burden.
(SIDE NOTE: Just to put some of you at ease—these examples are not related to anyone I’ve talked with in the last six months! And I know some of you would worry otherwise, and that’s why I know YOU stand a chance of igniting real change.)
One example: I was approached to have an informal chat with a very desperate Govt organization leader I knew through my network. I had the answer to what they needed. Like, in 3 easy steps. In less than 15 minutes, I told the 20 or so people in the virtual meeting how to fix their strategy. Off the top of my head, while they told me the problem. I’d done it before, successfully, several times. Cool, right?
Eh, no. They were really happy with the info, agreed it would solve the problem, but then…yeah…then they told me to write it all up for them, put it in a certain format, give them at least 3 months to review it, maybe 6, make their requested edits in a short time frame, give them time to review it to make sure it was what they wanted, and then submit it to them formally.
This wasn’t anything I was getting paid for or would ever get paid for. I’d done it entirely off the top of my head based on their real-time questions. No notes, no prep. They didn’t even ASK if I might put it in a format that they would want to see it in or delay my own projects to re-work administrivia. They TOLD me how to spend my free time to help them. Hours and hours and hours of my free time. All nice people, but they just did NOT get it.
I declined. I had to remind them that I did not work for them and they couldn’t insist I go through reviews—I’d had enough of unnecessary reviews as a former Fed, thank you. I might have said that last part out loud. Anyway, I hope someone there took notes, bc I didn’t.
This has happened a few times, yes, but I’ve also been told to write extensive training for free, fly cross-country on my retiree dime to give free advice for a week, and write guides for free according to an outline someone had in mind bc I was the only one with experience with a particular technique. None of these were gigs I was after—the Govt asked to chat and then told me HOW they wanted something and expected me to comply, no questions asked. Like I didn’t have a choice or something.
It came across as so terribly entitled, but it was probably more lack of awareness than anything else. They probably saw it as me having infinite resources with some big pay-off in the end or protecting the taxpayer in case I was wrong. Or something. Okay, they probably didn’t even think at all about what motivated me bc they were used to seeing things in one particular way and as entitled to that way. Nobody who might have a future business relationship with the Govt dared to speak out, especially at that level, and they were used to compliance or silence.
In the example I gave above, why couldn’t they just take notes and say, “Great! Thanks! We’ll put that into play!” Or even, “Eh, that’s not gonna work for us, but thanks for chatting!” Either would’ve been fine. Nothing in my quick verbal download needed to be put on Powerpoint charts with a soundtrack, executive summary, formal paper, etc, and reviewed by 20 people multiple times. At least, not by ME. Just…run with the info and stop coming up with reasons to make it hard on the people trying to help you who don’t have to help you. I have no faith that an investment of so many hours of my free time would even pay off in feeling good that they followed through, if I were of a mind to tweak my life away for them.
Putting up your own barriers to a solution makes me think you’re not that interested in solving the problem.
So here’s where I want you to make the connection. Yes, it is ridiculous to suggest a retiree on a fixed income spend thousands out of their own pocket, a mere month after they retired, to travel to help you for free with something no one else can. That’s obvious, isn’t it? And obvious, too, that I shouldn’t have to go through a gazillion reviews when I’m volunteering a solution and waste my time for something I’m not convinced you really want?
But how often does the Govt expect small businesses with needed technology to put something in all sorts of unnecessary formats, reviews, rewrites, etc? To wait for months for an answer but to turn a reformatted response in a weekend? These small businesses, like the retiree writing this, do not have unlimited resources to tweak Powerpoints for months and months for you, especially if you’re not going to do anything with them or they don’t eventually get to a contract. Do NOT waste their time.
You’re probably thinking of your chats with them as “engagement.” Maybe “market research.” Maybe an overblown “request for information.” They’re thinking of those chats as “time” and “opportunity costs.” You have to understand better where they choose to spend their time and why, and hopefully thinking of it from a retiree’s point of view will give you a better clue to why they should bother with you versus someone who won’t waste their time.
Anybody with options isn’t going to put up with time wasters for long, even if you don’t know you’re wasting time or don’t mean to. If you really want to partner with industry and especially with small firms who have the tech you need, it’s vital you understand them better and where their pain points are. Nobody wants time-wasting administrative that won’t matter in a year, much less 100 years, to be their part-time job.
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