Government integrity

When Contracts No Longer Mean Anything

I’m in a funk.  That’s an announcement, maybe a warning.  It’s NOT an apology. Integrity in my profession has always been a huge deal to me. My word meant something to me, and to others.   As a Contracting Officer, I signed on behalf of my country, and that carried with it a lot of responsibility.  I didn’t sign and […]

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Rapid Acquisition

Is Rapid Acquisition Dead?

For almost four decades, I’ve watched the ebb and flow of Federal Acquisition. I’ve stalked the patterns and cycles enough to be considered a visionary, or a psychic, or just an old-timer of a human archive who remembers all the struggles both the Government and Contractors have faced in that time and all the ways […]

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When Ethics Cost You: Standing Firm in a World of Excuses

If you and I have never had a Life-Death-and-the-Universe discussion all night about Acquisition, ethics, and/or the law, consider this article a taste.  There are a few things in life and business that really bother me, and I wish they bothered more people.  It’s about principles, and the key to knowing whether you or someone else follows the principles […]

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Other Transaction agreements

Same Old Other Transaction Question, Worse Answers

I’m tired. No. No, I’m weary—bone weary.  I will seriously, totally, completely lose it if one more person asks me if they should choose an Other Transaction agreement or a FAR-based contract.  No, I mean it. Part of me doesn’t want to be so negative, but I’m just at my wit’s end. Why does this […]

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Budget Cuts leader

What DoD Budget Cuts Taught Me About Peanut Butter Spread

I haven’t been able to look at a jar of peanut butter in years.  Ever since a certain PEO turned peanut butter spread into a verb.  Not that the Program Executive Officer was a bad guy.  Not at all.  But as a Contracting Officer, I hated how he handled budget cuts. I don’t think he […]

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How Presidential Administrations Have Shaped—Or Not Shaped—My Rapid Acquisition Mindset

I was asked how different presidential administrations have affected my rapid acquisition mindset. The short answer is: they haven’t. I’ve always been this way. Administrations come and go, but they’ve never affected how I think about acquisition, streamlining, or how I find my motivation to create faster, better, more efficient, and more effective ways to […]

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Slashing Manpower: The Wrong Place to Start in Government Reform

Efficiency in the Federal Government is a hot topic since the Election.  Without weighing in on politics, I do have a concern that I think we need to keep in mind. Especially those of the “doing more with less” philosophy that I’ve heard for my entire career in Acquisition. Maybe we should be “doing less […]

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Overheard Advice about Advice

I was at my favorite restaurant recently, just chilling over a solitary lunch and writing a blog post in their off-hours.  There were maybe five other patrons in the entire place, all seated at the bar, so naturally, the next diners were seated about two feet from me, with only a screen separating us. I […]

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Perspectives Across Silos: Awareness, Empathy, Solutions

We all live our lives to our own default, and people who think their default is the ONLY way may find others’ different individual and collective defaults to be nonsensical.  Maybe even threatening. Both a conclusion of nonsense or threat can create a lot of animosity as well as resented by the one whose default […]

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Burning Out the Workforce: Why Acquisition Needs to Apply Sustainability to People

Having spent an entire career in Acquisition, I’ve heard the word sustainability more than most humans I haven’t worked with.  Now I’m hearing it more outside of Acquisition than ever before. Isn’t it funny how we can apply the word sustainability to weapon systems and forget to apply it to people?  How often did I […]

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Broadening Your Contracting Perspective: Tools, Techniques, and the Value of Networking

I’m all for leaning into your strengths and doing what you do best in Contracting and Acquisition. I don’t believe you have to be “well-rounded” and work in areas that aren’t suited to your work personality or strengths, but you do need to be open to the very real fact that there may be other […]

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The Long-Term Value of Investing in Workforce Newbies

I’ve taken for granted how incredibly lucky I was when I was a Contracting intern and brand new Unlimited Contracting Officer as a GS 12 with barely 4 years’ experience.  Eons ago.  Back when dirt was new and fire was an emerging technology. I’m stopping to think about it only now when I’ve left the […]

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You Can’t Do Cooperation Alone

Between my rented lair and one of my favorite lunch spots is a quiet side street. It’s a charming little stretch, shaded by a canopy of oak trees so thick it feels like a tunnel. The street is narrow, just wide enough for two cars to pass, with on-street parking usually occupied by landscapers and […]

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Rapid Decision-Making: Hunch vs Facts

I learned something new about myself today, which is always cool because learning about what makes ourselves—and others—tick helps us navigate our world better, whether in our personal lives or in our acquisition-related careers. A lot of Contracting Officers I’ve worked with, and especially Procurement Analysts in Policy, can’t seem to get enough data to […]

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Revisiting Workforce Development

If I were a supervisor or division chief again, one thing I’d do for my workforce is to push CliftonStrengths harder. I did give a similar concept a try around 10 years ago with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is a personality assessment tool based on Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types. It identifies […]

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